I’m so glad you’re here! As you look through this website, I hope you find the faith-building resources and encouragement you need to make your day count!
Lindsay Roberts is a minister, writer, editor, wife, mother, lifelong student of the Bible and host of the inspirational women’s television program, Make Your Day Count. Her Bible-based teaching is infused with humor, practical application and insight into the power of God’s Word for everyday living.
In Lindsay’s latest book, Discover Your True Strength: Choosing to Thrive in the Midst of Life’s Challenges, she describes how, through the powerful Word of God, strong women can think and act, listen and speak, respond and thrive!
Lindsay Roberts’ Sewing Centers for women in the villages of central India provide a place where the women can learn a valuable trade and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank God that our centers are giving hope for the future to these precious women.
Sewing Centers
Today, it’s not just people we allow to influence our life, but additional positive and negative influences can also include TV, social media, music, books, etc.
The company you keep is the company that is keeping you…
Featuring encouraging, empowering messages, this podcast is designed to make you laugh, cry, relate and find purpose as Lindsay and Melissa share the unconventional life experiences God has brought them through, highlighting His ability to use imperfect people in His perfect plan.
The Entirely Unconventional Podcast brings you into the author’s living room where she shares funny stories, brings words of encouragement and shows you your value in Christ. Hosted by Lindsay Roberts, this podcast will make you laugh, cry, relate and find purpose as Lindsay shares her unconventional experience in ministry and shows many examples of God using imperfect people for His perfect plan.
The Entirely Unconventional Podcast brings you into the author’s living room where she shares funny stories, brings words of encouragement and shows you your value in Christ. Hosted by Lindsay Roberts, this podcast will make you laugh, cry, relate and find purpose as Lindsay shares her unconventional experience in ministry and shows many examples of God using imperfect people for His perfect plan.