The True Message of the Cross
The True Message of the Cross By Richard Roberts Can you imagine what it must have been like in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday when Jesus made His triumphant entry into the city? Imagine the people shouting His name, rejoicing and waving palm branches at Him. They were shouting “Hosanna!” which means, “Save now, Lord!” But […]
Finding Rest for Your Soul
Finding Rest for Your Soul By Lindsay Roberts In Matthew 11: 28-30, Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me. For I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your […]
MYDC Articles_God Has a Plan for Your Life and It’s Good
God Has a Plan for Your Life and It’s Good By Richard Roberts What are your hopes and dreams for 2025? What are you believing for? I believe God wants to do great things in your life. and I want you to believe it too. Perhaps 2024 was a difficult year. But don’t let that […]
MYDC Articles_A Key to Miracles
A Key to Miracles By Lindsay Roberts This year, not unlike any other year in our lives, our family has been believing for miracles. But recently something happened to us when we saw a picture of Richard’s dad, Oral Roberts, sitting behind a plaque that said Make No Little Plans Here. We began to talk […]
MYDC Articles_Christmas: The Rest of the Story
Christmas: The Rest of the Story A Very Special ZOOM interview with Rick and Denise Renner LINDSAY ROBERTS:. We have a doubleheader today because we’ve got both Rick and Denise Renner from Moscow. RICK RENNER: We’re so glad to be with you. You’re just one of our favorites. It’s such an honor to be with […]
MYDC Articles_Keeping Christ in Christmas
Keeping Christ in Christmas A Classic Christmas Message by Oral Roberts from 1954 Are you tired of the way Christmas is being commercialized? Do you resent the fact that Christ is being taken out of Christmas? Do you protest the mad pace we follow in making Christmas merely a gift-exchange celebration? Would you like to […]
MYDC Articles_Worth MORE Than You Think
You are worth MORE than you think By Lindsay Roberts I was working on getting this magazine finished for November and December and was thinking about the many Christmas seasons I spent listening to the words of Oral Roberts and how influential they were to me. So I decided to go through older magazines and […]
MYDC Articles_I Believe God Wants to Heal You
I Believe God Wants to Heal You By Richard Roberts Would you agree that sickness can be a terrible thing? Many people wonder, “How can I know God really wants to heal me?” I believe the answer can be found in only one place—the Bible. Let’s take a closer look at Matthew 14:14, because I […]
MYDC Articles_My Healing Testimony
My Healing Testimony By Denise Renner When I was 13 years old, I began to have cystic acne. It was on my forehead, my cheeks and my neck. It was not like teenage acne. These sores would go through every layer of my skin. And, of course, as a teenager, I felt completely shameful and […]
MYDC Articles_Strong Women Pray
Strong Women PRAY An excerpt from THE podcast, Entirely Unconventional, with Lindsay Roberts & Melissa Lee LINDSAY: Sometimes things in the Kingdom of God are entirely unconventional. I want to talk to you about something very unusual. I have a book called, Discover Your True Strength—Choosing to Thrive in the Midst of Life’s Challenges. In […]