New Year (Re) New You

by Lindsay Roberts

This is a time when many of us reflect on the past, assess the present, and set goals for the future. When I think of the new year, I think of resolutions, hopes, dreams, goals—fulfilled and failed.

It’s easy to believe certain goals are unattainable due to satan’s relentless lies. However, the Lord provides a path to success, even when we may hesitate to pursue the dreams hidden in our hearts. And guess what! Your past failures and successes don’t have to determine your future ones because the timeless truth of God’s Word is bigger than that!  He is The Rock upon which we can stand. You can choose to make today count—choose today as your day to set new goals—spiritually, physically, mentally, financially and emotionally!

Habakkuk 2:2: “Then the Lord answered me and said, ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” This verse invites us into a profound dialogue of processing our hopes and dreams with God. It encourages us not only to envision our aspirations, but to write them clearly, boldly, and with purpose and then to look at what God thinks about them. As we reflect on our hopes and dreams for this new year, I encourage you to explore this scripture with me.

1. Write Down Your Vision: Why? The act of writing is powerful. It transforms vague thoughts into tangible goals, dreams, and prayers. As we embark on this new year, take time to carefully give expression to your vision. What are the aspirations and dreams that God has placed in your heart? Write them down, not as fleeting thoughts, but as concrete commitments. When we can clearly write down our dreams and visions, we can not only gain clarity in our goals but also in how these goals align with God’s will!

2. Make it Plain: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Clarity is essential on this journey of renewal. The Word of God encourages us to make our vision plain. This involves not only understanding our goals, but also discerning the steps required to achieve them. Consider breaking down your vision into actionable steps, making it clear and achievable. These don’t have to be mountain climbing steps! Sometimes, a small step in the right direction is all you need to get momentum going. All we have to do is the next right thing!

3. That He May Run Who Reads It:  The idea here is that once the vision is written down and made plain, it should be clear and compelling enough to inspire action!  Decide to identify your “WHY”. This is where you encourage your future self to keep up with your goals, even when times get tough. When you read your goal, your plan, and your ‘why’, you should feel motivated to take the next step with purpose.

Additional Tip: Another way you may keep yourself accountable and motivated is by sharing your goals with a trusted friend or family member. In doing so, you invite others to run alongside you on this journey of renewal. I believe that as you walk through your plans for the future with a clear vision, a plan, a compelling “why”, and a reliance on God’s mercy and grace, then you can succeed in what you put your hand to. You can find wholeness, health, healing, and stability because you have aligned God’s will for your life with scripture and identifiable action steps!

I pray this is a year of intentional living, clear purpose, and shared aspirations—a year where each day counts in the divine story of your life. Colossians 3:23 reminds us, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” 

Your written vision then can become an offering to God, a testament to your commitment to live with purpose and excellence. In the words of Habakkuk, let us write, make plain, and run with the vision that God has placed within us. May the coming year be a testament to the beauty of renewal, guided by the timeless truths found in His Word.

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