What's Love Got To Do With It—Everything!

by Melissa Lee

Nothing quite says “Happy Valentines!” like a scripture from the book of Lamentations, written by none other than the weeping prophet, Jeremiah.

Love has been the driving force behind countless songs that showcase broken hearts, unrequited love, and heartfelt connections. The topic of love has been written about for centuries in poetry, books, and plays. Love stories have even become the cornerstone of entire television networks. In fact, February has been renamed “Loveuary” by one network! Doesn’t that just showcase our love for all things love?

As the mother of five adult children – four daughters and one son – I can tell you not only do men and women see Valentine’s Day differently, but we also all have different perspectives on what this day means and how it should be celebrated.

I’ve come up with three camps, if you will. There are those who adore everything heart-shaped, pink, and red; this will be the “Loveuary” camp. Then there are those who don’t really think much about it at all; this is our “carefree” camp. Then this last group, we will call our “Love is a battlefield” camp; they want nothing to do with the painful reminder of what’s been or what is not happening in their lives at this moment. I personally think this is tough because one can’t even go to the local grocery store without being bombarded by aisle after aisle of bouquets, heart-shaped boxes filled with chocolates, rows and rows of cards of all sizes, stuffed animals – you name it! It’s all calling out, saying “This is love.” (Some quite literally.)

I remember passing through these aisles one year, and someone had pushed the buttons on at least a dozen dancing red furry hearts! It was funny and pitiful, as some had danced right off the shelf.

For some of us, Valentine’s Day itself pushes some buttons. But at the heart of the holiday, there is a quest for love! The good news is there is an everlasting love so big that all the candy hearts in the world couldn’t contain it.

Today our quest for love will take us right back to a portion of scripture from our brave, compassionate, obedient, loyal prophet, Jeremiah. I want to focus on a few words that I’ve highlighted.

The STEADFAST (unwavering, enduring) and faithful LOVE of the Lord NEVER CEASES (a constant source that never runs out). His mercies never come to an end; great is Thy faithfulness.

I’m reminded of “the four loves” that C.S. Lewis writes about in his book of the same title. There’s STORGE – affection, PHILIA – friendship, EROS – romantic love (which we erroneously think all of life and love hinges on), and then there is AGAPE love. This is a sacrificial love; it’s the love that sent our Savior, Jesus Christ, to the cross, so that we may have eternal life, as John 10:10 says, an abundant life.

Receiving the deep, abiding love of God is the first step to this abundant life. But it’s not the last! I can’t help but think of the scripture where Jesus himself shared the greatest commandment.

Jesus said unto him, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.”

C.S. Lewis once said, “When I have learnt to love God better than my earthly dearest, I shall love my earthly best.” This quote gives great insight into the wholeness that loving God with our intellect, will, and emotions can bring. Our love for God unlocks our ability to love others well.

Whatever season you are in–and I say season because seasons change–I want to remind you that love is not a commercial holiday. True, all that chocolate might just be half off on February 15! But long after Loveuary ends, the question will linger: “What’s love got to do with it!?” And the answer will be the same all year long–everything!

Love is the very bedrock of your relationship with the Creator of the universe. His very name is Love! You never have to play the flower petal game of “he loves me, he loves me not”. You have the blessed assurance that God, who is Love, loved you first, loves you most, and will love you forever!

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