Featured Articles



This issues top reads…

  • Finding Rest for Your Soul —In Matthew 11: 28-30, Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me. For I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”  With all we’ve been through in the last few years,…  Read more>


  • The True Message of the Cross—Can you imagine what it must have been like in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday when Jesus made His triumphant entry into the city? Imagine the people shouting His name,…  Read more>



This issues top reads…

  • A Key to Miracles —This year, not unlike any other year in our lives, our family has been believing for miracles. But recently something happened to us when we saw a picture of Richard’s dad, Oral Roberts, sitting behind a plaque…  Read more>


  • God Has a Plan for Your Life and It’s Good—What are your hopes and dreams for 2025? What are you believing for? I believe God wants to do great things in your life. and I want you to believe it too. Perhaps 2024…  Read more>



This issues top reads…

  • You Are Worth MORE Than You Think—I was working on getting this magazine finished for November and December and was thinking about the many Christmas seasons I spent listening to the words of Oral Roberts… Read more>


  • Keeping Christ in Christmas—A classic and timeless article written by Oral Roberts with six ways you can keep Christ at the center of this Christmas season.  Read more>


  • Christmas:The Rest of the Story—A Special Interview with Rick and Denise Renner about the Christmas story and how it relates to us today.  Read more>



This issues top reads…
  • Strong Women Pray

    Sometimes things in the Kingdom of God are entirely unconventional. I want to talk to you about something very unusual. I have a book called, Discover Your True Strength—Choosing to Thrive in the Midst of Life’s Challenges. In chapter 15, there’s a section called Strong Women Pray. And there’s a part I talk about, Read more>

  • My Healing Testimony—When I was 13 years old, I began to have cystic acne. It was on my forehead, my cheeks and my neck. It was not like teenage acne. These sores would go through every layer of my skin. And, of course, as a teenager, I felt completely shameful and embarrassed by it. I definitely didn’t feel as good or as worthy as everybody else around me and… Read more>



This issues top reads…
  • Cinderella: It’s Not Just About Prince Charming—The story of Cinderella has captivated so many over the years with its elements of hope, transformation, and happily ever after. We see Cinderella, a young girl subjected to mistreatment by those close to her, rise above her circumstances through a series of fairy-tale-inspired events. Cinderella’s story is not just about finding Prince Charming; it’s about making difficult decisions and embracing faith in uncertain times. Despite her… Read more>
  • The Story I’m Choosing—If my life were a book, and the days were the pages that became the chapters that told my story, we would be coming upon a plot twist. You know, that unexpected development, often used to shake up the storyline?  Welcome to my plot twist!

    I am walking through a chapter I did not expect nor desire. The reality is, this new chapter is tough.     Read more>



This issues top reads…

  • Discover Your True Strength—Lindsay’s new book, Discover Your True Strength is available now! In this uplifting article, she shares a preview of her book’s message about the God-given strength residing in each believer.     Read more>
  • The Importance of Having a Vision—Join Lindsay and Melissa for an insightful interview with Terri Savelle Foy as they discuss the power of having a vision for your future.     Read more>
  • Hope in the Son—Melissa Lee shares the source of the true hope that we can look to in difficult times.      Read more>



This issues top reads…
  • Resurrecting Hopes and Dreams—In Oklahoma, we experience some ice and cold winters with snow and lots of frost on the lawns. But, as the frost melts away and the grass and flowers begin to spring back to life from their winter rest, I notice how nature can mirror the rhythm of our life—circles of dormancy followed by bursts of vibrant growth. In it, I find echoes of my own walk through life—moments when dreams seemed dormant, and hopes appeared to be lost.     Read more>
  • Embracing the Joy of Easter—As the season of Easter approaches, it’s a time for both celebration and contemplation, a time to reflect on the deeper meaning of this joyous occasion while embracing cherished family traditions. In the midst of colorful Easter egg hunts and delightful baskets filled with treats, let’s remember the true essence of this holiday – a celebration of renewal, hope, and the triumph of light over darkness.
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This issues top reads…
  • New Year (Re) New You—This is a time when many of us reflect on the past, assess the present, and set goals for the future. When I think of the new year, I think of resolutions, hopes, dreams, goals—fulfilled and failed. It’s easy to believe certain goals are unattainable due to satan’s relentless lies. However, the Lord provides a path to success, even when we may hesitate to pursue the dreams…   Read more>
  • What’s Love Got To Do With It? Everything!—Nothing quite says “Happy Valentines!” like a scripture from the book of Lamentations, written by none other than the weeping prophet, Jeremiah. Love has been the driving force behind countless songs that showcase broken hearts, unrequited love, and heartfelt connections. The topic of love has been written about for centuries in poetry, books, and plays. Love stories have even become…     Read more>

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